Ancestral Tribe

Ancestral Tribe

About myself: Erik has been a student of Ayahuasca for over a decade. With over 600+ ceremonies under his belt, he has facilitated hundreds of ceremonies with this sacrament. He has studied under several teachers and mentors and continues to learn from Mother Aya as well. Erik has his own personal back story of dealing with relatively intense trauma and so he comes to the table holding space from a place of intimate familiarity with trauma and mental issues. After seven years of drinking the tea, Erik was invited by Grandmother Aya herself to begin sharing the sacrament. He also serves Bufo medicine and has found this sacrament to be incredibly catalytic in helping to awaken our spirits. Additionally, Erik has studied with his teacher Adyashanti for 13 years and is also a professionally certified Neuromovement practitioner. Erik is also the proud father of his nine year-old son.

About Spirit Quest: Include the story of how spirit quest came to be, what current practices are performed and the future development onsite. Be sure to include..

Spirit Quest originated as a direct download from Mother Aya herself. Grandmother guided Erik with specific direction

Ceremony Dates

Below are the most recent dates and times for services provided.


